10 Of The Most Effective Tips for Dog Training

10 Of The Most Effective Tips for Dog Training
Nothing beats having a dog at home. For most families, owning a pet feels fulfilling, and the simple presence of a dog makes their days a lot brighter. But as most pet owners know, not everything about owning a dog is sunshine and roses.
For example, if you take pride in your furniture and antiques, prepare to understand that having a dog increases the chances that they might get destroyed. And don’t get us started about your running shoes! But don’t worry; this risk can be prevented by training your dog.
Training your dog should begin the very second he arrives home. There are several ways you can do it. If you are confident about your skills, you can train your dog yourself. If not, you can get a private trainer. You can even choose to attend a doggy training school. Choose one that fits your lifestyle the best. No matter what you choose, it is essential to keep these 10 effective dog training tips in mind.
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10 Effective Training Tips
Choose your pup’s name wisely.
Your dog’s name is not just a pet name that sounds adorable to the ears. Instead, remember that this name reflects your dog’s identity which will definitely have a strong impact on his training. Aside from choosing a name that you love, it should also be something that your dog will easily pick up and remember.
For this reason, it is better to choose a short name rather than a long name. It is also a good idea to choose a name with a strong ending, such as Rover or Ginger, that your pup will quickly respond to. You should choose a name that connotes positivity, too, such as Champ or Hero, so your dog will respond positively when you use this name for training.
Choose one name, stick to it, and avoid changing it. Changing your dog’s name will only confuse him, and it is very likely that your dog will not respond to a different name especially during training. If a breeder had already assigned a name for your dog beforehand, you can simply adopt the original name or shorten it if you must.
Then again, there is always an exception to every rule. In case your dog came from an abusive background, then it would be wise to change his name to signify a new life. As much as possible, avoid yelling at your dog using his name to avoid associating this name with trauma or negative emotions.
Also, know that the breed of your dog is a factor that can affect the emotions and health of your dog. Knowing the breed of your dog is essential to understand better his background and if there is any chance of any dog genetic predisposition disease.
Set rules as early as possible.
As a dog owner, probably the most important thing you can do is to teach your puppy the rules of the house from the get-go. This means that before your pup arrives, you should have already set a list of rules to teach. Decide beforehand where your dog is allowed to roam and play, and set boundaries for places where these are not allowed. Setting rules as early as possible would make training your dog easier.
Give your dog a place to call their own.
Their loving and affectionate disposition is just one of the many reasons why dogs make for extremely popular pets. They show incredible love and loyalty towards their owners, and they don’t shy away from showing affection. Despite this attitude, it is also important to give your dog a place of his own to set boundaries. Give your puppy his own comfortable bed at an early age rather than letting him sleep beside you on your bed. To encourage your puppy and help him settle in, don’t forget to reward him if he sleeps in his own quarters.
Know that not all places are good for your pet, dust or other items, may affect the health of your dog. Have a look in the Dog Allergy Test to find out more!
Make your puppy feel as safe and secure as possible.
As with many animals, puppies will cry for their mom if they are taken away from her. There is no need to worry because this is a very normal response. However, you should take special care in making sure that your puppy feels safe and secure with you at his new home. Giving him a nice warm bath, for example, will help him feel calm and relaxed. Another tip is to place a ticking clock beside him while he sleeps to remind him of being around his family.
Teach your puppy to come to you when you call his name.
Your training starts from the very first day your dog arrives, and one of the first things you should teach him is to come to you when you call his name. This helps your puppy identify to this new name and respond to it.
More importantly, this tip will make future training sessions easier for both of you. Teaching your dog to respond when you call his name will establish that you are the alpha and you should be respected. Don’t forget to use positive reinforcement when your dog obeys.
Use positive reinforcement.
Your puppy won’t be house-trained in a day. You need to be consistent in training your puppy, who needs time and patience to learn everything that you are teaching him. To get your pup through training, it is essential that he learns these things positively, and you can do this by using positive reinforcement.
Encourage good behavior by rewarding your dog with love and treats. Conversely, don’t reward behavior, which can confuse your dog and result in him becoming spoiled.
Do not tolerate jumping.
“Hyper” is perhaps one of the best adjectives to use when describing little puppies. Your puppy loves you and can’t help feeling ecstatic when you come home! Because of this, his natural reaction is to jump up to you. While this is adorable, this is a bad habit which, later on, can turn your cute pup into a dog that tackles people whenever he gets excited.
Nip this habit in the bud by not acknowledging your puppy when he jumps at you. Instead, wait until he has calmed down and stopped jumping before acknowledging him. Reward him for good behavior only when he is not jumping.
Teach your dog that it is not okay to bite.
Similar to babies, puppies also go through the teething process. During this period, your puppy’s teeth start to grow, and his natural reaction is to bite and chew to relieve the pain. Again, biting is a bad habit that needs to be nipped in the bud.
When your puppy bites you or nibbles on you, pretend to be in pain to teach him that biting hurts. Never reward this behavior, which is vital to help your pup understand that biting people is not okay. On the flipside, it is helpful to get him a chew toy that he can chew on to relieve the pain that comes from teething.
Keep his attention during training.
Your puppy has a very short attention span and will lose focus on something in just a few minutes. Therefore, when training your pup, it is crucial to keep his attention using short and sweet lessons. You can also employ new training techniques, helping keep your puppy’s attention. A sudden change of technique also teaches your pup to correlate their mistake with the correction.
Positive praises go a long way!
Training is challenging for you, but this is also a challenging time for your young puppy. This is why it is very important to always end your training sessions on a happy note. Encourage your puppy by being generous on praises, and motivate him to keep learning and be better by rewarding with treats. This is the secret to have a pup eager to be trained!
Bonus Tip: It is wise to consider spaying your female dog or neutering your male dog when they reach a certain age. This makes it easier to conduct training sessions as it will keep your dog from behaving sporadically and aggressively.