
External links were selected and reviewed when this page was last published or edited. However, International Biosciences are not responsible for the content of external websites. This is because:

• International Biosciences do not produce them or maintain/update them
• International Biosciences cannot change them
• They can be changed without International Biosciences’s knowledge or agreement

Some of our external links may be to websites which also offer commercial services, such as online purchases.

The inclusion of a link to an external website from the International Biosciences website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site’s owners (or their products/services).

Border and Immigration Agency – iasservices.org.uk
The Border and Immigration Agency is a new executive agency of the Home Office. The Agency assumes the responsibilities of the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) for managing immigration control in the UK.

We also consider applications for permission to stay, citizenship and asylum. This website will help you understand our immigration system and what your rights and responsibilities are when you make an application.

Bounty – www.bounty.com
Bounty.com is your one-stop pregnancy and parenting club, there for you from bump to baby and beyond.

Bounty.com is packed with news and features about pregnancy and parenthood plus you can go shopping, get special offers from our retail, finance and travel partners and a whole lot more right here.

Postal address:
Bounty Customer Services
Bounty (UK) Ltd
Bounty House
Vinces Rd
IP98 6BB

British Medical Association – bma.org.uk
The British Medical Association is the doctors’ professional organisation established to look after the professional and personal needs of our members. The BMA represents doctors in all branches of medicine all over the UK.

We are a voluntary association with over two-thirds of practising UK doctors in membership and an independent trade union dedicated to protecting individual members and the collective interests of doctors.

We promote the medical and allied sciences, seek to maintain the honour and interests of the medical profession and promote the achievement of high quality healthcare. Our policies cover public health issues, medical ethics, science, the state of the NHS, medical education and doctors’ contracts.

Postal address (BMA head office):
BMA House
Tavistock Square

Cafcass – www.cafcass.gov.uk
Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. We work with children and their families, and then advise the courts on what we consider to be in the best interests of individual children.

Postal address:

6th Floor
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
T: 0844 353 3350

Children’s Legal Centre www.childrenslegalcentre.com
The Children’s Legal Centre is a unique, independent national charity concerned with law and policy affecting children and young people.

The Children’s Legal Centre has many years of experience in providing legal advice and representation to children, their carers and professionals throughout the UK.

It opened in 1981, as the major UK project for the International Year of the Child, and is staffed by lawyers and professionals with experience in child law.

Postal address:
The Children’s Legal Centre
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
T: 01206 872466
Email: clc@essex.ac.uk

Child Support Agency – www.csa.gov.uk
The key government site on all of the issues associated with child support.

The Child Support Agency is to be replaced with a streamlined body more focused on enforcement, but until the new organisation is set up the Child Support Agency will continue its work as normal.

Postal address:
National Helpline
PO Box 55
Brierley Hill
T: 08457 133 133

ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call us on 0800 1111 to talk about any problem – our counsellors are always here to help you sort it out.

T: 0800 1111

Citizens Advice Bureau – www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Provides free, independent advice on many matters including paternity testing.

The Citizens Advice service helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.

Head office postal address:
Citizens Advice
Myddelton House
115-123 Pentonville Road
London, N1 9LZ
This is an administrative office and no advice is available here.

Click here to find your local CAB office.

City Pregnancy Counselling & Psychotherapy – www.citypregnancy.org.uk
CPCP is a pregnancy counselling and psychotherapy service. It offers counselling and psychotherapy to men, women and couples who are faced with a crisis pregnancy, pregnancy loss and infertility.

CPCP also offers support to single parents and runs specific groups to support people in all the areas outlined. We will try to match you to the most appropriate counsellor depending on your individual needs and time availability.

Short and long term counselling is available. Telephone counselling is also available.

Postal address:
15 Lamb’s Passage
Bunhill Row

T: 020 7638 5440

Creative Therapy – perrydyson.com

Perry Dyson is an experienced Counsellor and Supervisor with the British Association For Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) and offers confidential counselling over the Internet via Skype with a free twenty minute initial session.

Click here to contact Perry for more information.

Dads UK – www.dads-uk.co.uk
Dads UK
is a news and information site dedicated to giving a voice and support to all people interested in fathers’ rights. This includes partners, grandparents, uncles, aunts and anyone who has some kind of involvement with the father. Dads UK supports the growing demands of fathers in today’s society.

Postal address:
85A Westbourne Street
East Sussex,

T: 01273 232997

Department of Health – www.dh.gov.uk
The Department of Health is committed to improving the quality and convenience of care provided by the NHS and social services. Its work includes setting national standards, shaping the direction of health and social care services and promoting healthier living.

Postal address:
Customer Service Centre
The Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
London SW1A 2NS
T: 020 7210 4850
Textphone (for deaf and hard of hearing): 020 7210 5025

Department for work and Pensions – www.dwp.gov.uk
Services and benefits for families, including child support

Public Enquiry Office at:
Department for Work and Pensions
Room 112
The Adelphi
1-11 John Adam Street
T: 020 7712 2171

For most benefits or entitlements you will need to contact your local office first. You can find their contact details through local office search.

Families Need Fathers – www.fnf.org.uk
FNF is a charity chiefly concerned with the problems of maintaining a child’s relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown. We offer information, advice and support services for parents who could otherwise spend thousands of pounds without achieving a positive outcome for the children. Our network of over 50 UK branches offers the pro-bono advice of solicitors and others familiar with the family courts; a dedicated helpline; this website and resources for members that will help you to have a relationship with your children.

Postal address:
Families Need Fathers
134 Curtain Road
London EC2A 3AR
T: 0300 0300 363
Email: fnf@fnf.org.uk

Family Lives – familylives.org.uk
Family Lives is a charity that has over three decades of experience in helping parents deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. We know that many people play active roles in the raising of children within any family, from Dads, Grandparents, stepparents and non-resident parents. Our role is to support all of you to achieve the best relationship possible with the children that you care about.

Helpline: 0808 800 2222

Family Mediation Scotland – www.relationships-scotland.org.uk/family-mediation
Family mediation is a voluntary process which gives parents who are separating or living apart the opportunity to make their own arrangements for their children’s future. Reaching agreement through mediation can avoid lengthy negotiation through solicitors or disputes in the courts.

Postal address:
Family Mediation Scotland
18 York Place
Edinburgh EH1 3EP
T: 0845 119 2020
Email: info@familymediationscotland.org.uk

Family Rights Group – www.frg.org.uk
Family Rights Group is the charity in England and Wales that advises, advocates and campaigns for families whose children are involved with, or require, social care services. We provide confidential telephone advice and support for parents and family members, including grandparents who are raising grandchildren who cannot live at home. We work to increase the voice children and families have in the services they use, and promote policies and practices that improve children’s lives.

Family Rights Group was established as a registered charity in 1974. We work to secure the best future possible for children, including those who are in need, at risk and/or cannot live at home, and to improve the services received by these families.

Postal address:
Family Rights Group
Second Floor
The Print House
18 Ashwin Street
E8 3DL
T: 020 7923 2628
Email: office@frg.org.uk

Fathers for Justice – www.fathers-4-justice.org
Fathers 4 Justice civil rights movement campaigning for a child’s right to see both parents and grandparents.

Postal address:
For media enquiries by post please send to:
Fathers For Justice Ltd
PO Box 500
SO21 1AX
T: For Press Information contact: 07795 547 374
Email: office@fathers-4-justice.org

General Register Office – www.gro.gov.uk
Births in England and Wales must be registered within 42 days of the birth. This can often be done at the hospital or if not at the local register office. If the parents are married to each other, either parent can register the birth. If the parents are not married to each other, they should read Who should register? within the Registering a birth section and follow the Parental responsibility link for information on the implications of who goes to the register office.

If you wish to obtain a further copy of the birth certificate, this can be bought online, by post or telephone, or through the register office where the birth was registered.

This website has detailed information on all these topics as well as what happens in cases where fertility treatment or surrogacy is involved, what you should do if the child is born abroad and what you need to do if you wish to change any of the details on the certificate at a later date.

The GRO has a responsibility for England and Wales. There are equivalent offices for Scotland (General Register Office for Scotland) and Northern Ireland (General Register Office for Northern Ireland).

Gingerbread – www.gingerbread.org.uk
A support organisation for lone parents (through bereavement, divorce, separation, desertion, domestic violence or by choice) and their families, with around 200 groups around England and Wales. Offering advice on benefits, childcare, CSA, contact, divorce, employment, housing, maternity rights and lone parenthood.

Postal address:
307 Borough High Street
T: 020 7403 9500
Email: advice@gingerbread.org.uk

Home-Start – www.home-start.org.uk
Home-Start is the UK’s leading family support charity

Through a network of nearly 16,000 trained parent volunteers we support thousands of parents who are struggling to cope. Our families need support for many reasons including post-natal illness, disability, bereavement, the illness of a parent or child, or social isolation.

Find out more about what we do.

Postal address:
Home-Start UK
2 Salisbury Road
T: 0116 233 9955
F: 0116 233 0232
Email: info@home-start.org.uk

JustParents – www.justparents.co.uk
Parenting and pregnancy advice for mums and dads. With baby names, gender predictor, forums, parents blogs and much more!

Legal Aid – www.gov.uk/legal-aid
Legal aid can help you pay for legal advice, mediation or representation in court if you can’t afford it.

LIFE – www.lifecharity.org.uk
Life offer free confidential counselling and emotional support on all matters concerning abortion and pregnancy. Practical help can be provided, including free baby clothes and equipment, on an on-going basis. Caring also offers free confidential support and counselling after abortion and pregnancy loss.

Postal address (head office):
LIFE House
1 Mill Street
Leamington Spa
CV31 1ES
T: 0800 915 4600
Email: info@lifecharity.org.uk

National Family Mediation – www.nfm.org.uk
National Family Mediation is a network of local not-for-profit Family Mediation Services in England and Wales which offers help to couples, married or unmarried, who are in the process of separation and divorce. We are committed to providing high quality mediation to everyone who needs it in all communities.

NFM mediators help clients to reach joint decisions about the issues associated with their separation – children, finance and property. Several NFM services also provide specialist services for children.

Postal address:
National Family Mediation
7 The Close
T: 01392 271610
Email: general@nfm.org.uk

NHS Direct – www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Find GP surgeries, doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacies.

Postal address:
Chief Executive
NHS Direct
7th Floor
207 Old Street
London EC1V 9NR
T: 0845 4647

Northern Ireland Child Support Agency – www.dsdni.gov.uk

Child support agency operating in Northern Ireland.

Postal address:
The Customer Service Manager
Child Support Agency
Great Northern Tower
17 Great Victoria Street
T: 0845 608 0022
Email: belfast-customer-helpline@dwp.gsi.gov.uk

One Parent Families Scotland – www.opfs.org.uk
One Parent Families Scotland has been working on behalf of lone parents and their families since 1944.

Postal address:
One Parent Families Scotland
13 Gayfield Square
Helpline: 0808 801 0323
T: 0131 556 3899
Email: info@opfs.org.uk

Parents Advice Centre (Northern Ireland) – www.pachelp.org
The Parents Advice Centre aims to help parents and other family members to improve their ability to function within the family by giving support, guiding individuals to find their own solutions, using basic counselling skills. This approach seeks to encourage family members to reach their full potential and to promote positive parenting in the community.

Postal address:
Head Office
Floor 4
Franklin House
12 Brunswick Street
Belfast BT2 7GE
Helpline: 0808 8010 722
T: (028) 9031 0891 (Office)
Email: belfast@pachelp.org

Relate (National Relate) – www.relate.org.uk
Relate is a national charity with over 60 years experience in helping people with their relationships. Through its 2,300 counsellors working in 103 centres in England, Wales and Northern Island, it offers counselling, sexual therapy and other services to help with difficulties in marriage or in any adult couple relationship. It does not offer legal, financial or medical advice but may be able to suggest and alternative source of help.

Postal address:
Herbert Gray College
Little Church Street
CV21 3AP
T: 0845 456 1310 or
0845 1 30 40 16

Samaritans – www.samaritans.org.uk
The Samaritans is a registered charity based in the UK and Republic of Ireland that provides confidential emotional support to any person who is suicidal or despairing; and that increases public awareness of issues around suicide and depression.

Postal address:
PO Box 9090
T: 08457 90 90 90 (National Number) or 1850 60 90 90 (Republic of Ireland)
Email: jo@samaritans.org